Чек-лист для запуска сайта



  • Подключить Яндекс.Метрика и Яндекс.Вебмастер к почте gtu@mai.ru.
  • Настроить robots.txt.
  • Настроить .htaccess. (Нужен пример).

CMS WordPress:

  • Установить и настроить плагин All In One WP Security.
  • Установить и настроить плагин Yoast SEO. Проверить sitemap.
  • Установить плагин Classic Editor.
  • Установить плагин Cyr-To-Lat.


  • CMS WordPress:
    1. Каталоги - права 755
    2. Файлы – права 644
    3. Файлы конфигурации (wp-config.php | .htaccess) – права 600
  • CMS Bitrix:
    1. Каталоги - права 775
    2. Файлы – права 664

User-agent: *

Disallow: /auth*

Disallow: /basket*

Disallow: /order*

Disallow: /personal/

Disallow: /search/

Disallow: /test/

Disallow: /ajax/

Disallow: *index.php*

Disallow: /*show_include_exec_time=

Disallow: /*show_page_exec_time=

Disallow: /*show_sql_stat=

Disallow: *bitrix*

Disallow: /*clear_cache=

Disallow: /*clear_cache_session=


Disallow: /*ORDER_BY

Disallow: /*print*

Disallow: /*action*

Disallow: /*register=

Disallow: /*password*

Disallow: /*login=

Disallow: /*type=

Disallow: /*sort=

Disallow: /*order=

Disallow: /*logout=

Disallow: /*auth=

Disallow: /*backurl=

Disallow: /*back_url=

Disallow: /*BACKURL=

Disallow: /*BACK_URL=

Disallow: /*back_url_admin=

Disallow: /*?utm_source=

Disallow: *?arrFilter*

This is the third item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.